What happen in Madero city?
Do you Know that Madero is The #1 in death because of Cancer?
This is true because the last month I read an article about the cancer in Mexico, and we are the number 1, this are bad news for us, because we live here, and we don't have answers about it, every day one person die because of cancer, but the cause of cancer, who knew?
The statistics includes cancer of breast, neck of the uterus, mouth and orofaringe, encephalon, esophagus, stomach, colon and rectum, liver and biliary routes intrahepáticas, pancreas, trachea, bronchi and lung, melanoma and other tumors of the skin, prostate, ovary, leukaemia, linfomas and mieloma multiply, principally....well what part of our body is not include? haha, We have to investigate more about this, because theres one cause, but we dont know, I try to find the answer, well this is everything for today.

Font;Milenio Diario de Tampico
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